Cookery Groups

Cookery Groups

We have two Cookery Groups – “Cooking for Fun” and “The Foodie Group” - which usually meet in a member’s home.  The size of the groups being determined by the size of the hostess’s kitchens / dining rooms!

Both groups occasionally take trips out to sample foods at different venues or attend cookery demonstrations and Food Festivals.

Cooking for Fun

This group is run by Olive and is driven by its members. They usually meet on a Monday morning about once a month in a member's home.

Topics covered include:

Cooking as a group - making marmalade, chutneys etc.
Recipe exchanges
Testing recipes and comparing results
Helping each other tackle difficult techniques - such as icing
Trips out

The Foodie Group

Meets about once every 6 weeks.  Group members take turns hosting lunch in their houses, where all contribute to the meal. Each meal is given a theme, for example Italian, French and healthy (low calorie) meals. Group members discuss contributions and share recipes.

Outings are planned around food and cooking, e.g. cookery demonstrations; meals at a catering school/college and even attending the Food Festival in Bristol.

Contact - Suzanne P.