Brackenwood, Abbots Leigh – Talk and Garden Visit
20 September 2018
A group of members enjoyed a nice morning at Brackenwood. A talk given by Chris and Clare, whose parents owned the nursery in Nore Road, Portishead and used the one on the A369 as a plant growing place only. It's grown into a very thriving place now. The talk was “Colour in your garden in the winter”. Clare had numerous plants there to show us together with details of size, colour etc. Coffee was served after an hour then a guided tour was given by Chris. Everybody had a very enjoyable time.
Kings Weston Walk
5 July 2018
The plan for a walk at Arlingham was changed because of the heat. Instead 9 members enjoyed a walk in the King's Weston house area. As usual lots of chat and laughter, with lunch at The Lamplighters in Shirehampton.
Trip to Poole
4 July 2018
Thankfully it was a cloudy day, so a little cooler than recently. We had a pleasant coach trip down to Poole where we had a couple of hours for lunch and time to either walk around or hit the shops.
The coach then picked us up to take us to the RNLI College where we were split into groups for a very interesting and thought provoking tour of the college. Certainly an excellent training centre for lifeboat crews, all funded only by public donation. A wonderful insight into how monies donated is spent.
Many of us stopped in the shop on the way out and left clutching our purchases before boarding our coach for the journey home.
Success at the Carnival | ![]() |
Their efforts were this year well rewarded having attained: 2nd prize in the Community category First prize in the Topical category And especially proud to have received The Pete Osment Cup - for the entry which 'most embraces the spirit of the carnival'. | ![]() |
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Harbourside B Team Triumphs
14 June 2018
The eight members of Harbourside B Skittles Team had enjoyed their evenings out on the road to the final at The Cricket Club, Coalpit Heath. Unfortunately two were on holiday and missed this great one.
There they met six very pleasant and friendly ladies from the Old Sodbury WI, who also arrived without supporters, (unlike the Darts Teams who also noisily played their Federation final alongside us at the same venue!) for the final match of the AFWI Skittles Tournament.
The Skittle alley was the most interesting that either team had encountered along the way - wooden balls and 'skinny skittles' that allowed many balls to sail by without so much as a wobble. Each WI team played their six hands - much consternation all round as the scores edged up slowly on this challenging alley and they remained within a few shots of each other and the tension set in. The scores were totalled and it was a draw! Each player then delivered one more hand to decide the winners - Harbourside B by ten! (Final score 182-172).
Well done to all on the team.
Trip to Denman College
14 May 2018
A group of Harbourside WI members together with a few guests from Marina WI and one from Redcliffe Bay WI met early on this beautiful sunny but fresh day for the coach trip to Denman College.
On arrival we were treated to coffee and home-made biscuits and this was followed by a cookery demonstration. Our visit was shared with WI members from several other federations, so the Ferris Room was quite full! Kelly Mauger, with the aid of an overhead camera and screen, expertly demonstrated four different recipes~ ‘Spiced Candied Nuts’; ‘Florentines’; ‘Banana and Raspberry Loaf’ and ‘Buttermilk and Blueberry Scones’ ~ giving many useful hints and tips for a successful outcome. Samples of each of the completed recipes were passed round.
We then had a break for an excellent lunch with time to explore the shop, craft sales room and the gardens. Once our lunch had gone down we returned to the Ferris Room and were split into smaller groups and were given a brief history of Denman followed by a guided tour of the main building, the various lecture rooms and the accommodation block, although the latter amusingly coincided with an influx of ladies arriving for their residential courses, clutching suitcases and struggling through our groups to find their rooms!
The visit ended with a cream tea and we left for home clutching our recipe leaflets, course brochures and anything we had purchased. A long but very enjoyable and informative day out.
WI Wanderers walk to Portbury
26 April 2018
We had a good walk on Thursday, with reasonable weather. There were 11 of us walking from Portishead Lake Grounds to the Priory in Portbury, where we had a good lunch. We returned to the Lake grounds, with some ladies taking a different route back to different parts of Portishead. Those of us returning to the Lake grounds walked about 7 miles in total, but of course had a rest in the middle for lunch.
Beach Walk at Weston | ![]() |
Trip to Met Office
25 November 2017
33 members plus two husbands went on the coach trip to the Met Office in Exeter. Prior to our visit there was a comfort/lunch stop at Otter Garden Centre, near Otter St Mary, where several members also took the opportunity to do some pre-Christmas shopping.
The tour lasting two and a half hours was well organised and very informative, with the group split into two with each group having an expert guide, employees of the Met Office. It was amazing how vital their services are to different organisations, airlines, shops, etc. who all depend on current weather situations. Approximately 2,000 people are employed there. A big thank you to Linda G for organising the trip.
Skittles team through to next round
21 November 2017
Harbourside WI’s Team A won their skittles match against Barrow Gurney 206 to 193. Our team started well then Barrow Gurney caught up, but we pulled away in the end to win the match.
Gardening Group achievement 2017
Wendy’s group of gardeners have once again achieved "Outstanding" in the Portishead in Bloom competition, in recognition of their hard work maintaining the flower beds on the Lake Grounds.
Wendy will be attending a social event to collect the certificate and invites others to join her on 17th November 2017. Please let her know if you wish to attend.
Well done everybody.
WI Wanderers Walk |
Trip to Thatcher’s Cider, Sandford
Thursday 28 September 2017
The sun was shining on the members, friends and family as we awaited the coach (delayed by road closures and diversions) and everyone was in good spirits long before any cider passed their lips!
At Thatcher’s we were welcomed by two tour guides who requested us to don hi-vis tabards and caps, all smartly emblazoned with the Thatcher’s name and logo. After a brief introduction to the history of the family firm, two groups started the tour of the factory – much larger and more modern than we expected. There were several impressive buildings with lots of immaculate glass walls, high ceilings and interesting architectural features. We were also shown one of the many apple orchards owned by the Thatcher family.
As it was the midst of the apple harvest, we saw virtually every process – from the arrival of tons of ripe apples in trucks, to the washing, sorting, pressing of apples, and the canning, and packaging of the finished product, Somerset cider. The only area we could not visit was the bottling plant as space was limited. The level of technology was truly staggering, so much of the manufacturing process is now done by robots. The only staff we saw were attending to mechanical matters or checking quality control, all were friendly and clearly happy in their work.
No visit to a cider factory would be complete without a tasting session. We had the opportunity to taste four different ciders – one was a brand new delicious cider which was on trial before possibly being available in retail outlets (but it was for sale in their factory shop). All four were very different but were extremely good. It was obvious why Thatcher’s cider is so popular.
A table had been reserved for us in their pub, The Railway Inn, where we had a variety of dishes, all washed down with cider. Particularly enjoyable were the huge ploughman’s salads which went perfectly with our cider. There was time for a quick look in the shop, and judging by the clinking of bottles in the coach on our way home, it was a successful day all round.
Many thanks to Olive for organising such an interesting and enjoyable day out.
WI Wanderers walk
29 June 2017
We had a good walk with fine weather. Six of us started at the Lamplighter pub in Shirehampton and walked through to Shirehampton Golf course which has some fantastic views of the Horseshoe bend on the river Avon. We then walked on to King`s Weston House where we sat outside and had a coffee break. We returned via a different route through the Golf course and back to the pub along the banks of the Avon. We all enjoyed our lunch, the food was excellent.
Portishead Carnival
17 June 2017
After several months of preparation, on a glorious sunny Saturday with a gentle cooling breeze, 27 members congregated on the Lake Grounds at the start of our entry to this year’s Portishead Carnival. | ![]() | |
The Carnival procession started at 12.00 noon and snaked its way up from the Lake Grounds, down Cab Stand and along the High Street, towards the Flower Show Field, the route being lined on both sides by hundreds of spectators, many of whom generously supported the cause by donating money in the collecting buckets. On the fairly frequent stops our group entertained the crowds by swimming demonstrations, photo-calls and beach ball throwing. Members of the crowd were offered the opportunity to take photos of themselves with the Heads Through the Hole Board, including a dog and one very sporting policeman! On completion of the procession the day’s entertainment continued in the at the Flower Show Field. Part way through the afternoon there was a break in the music and the announcements and prize giving took place. Well done to our members who took part by walking on the day and/or helping in the background with the preparations. | ![]() | |
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Bath Treasure Hunt
15 June 2017
Six of our members travelled to Bath to walk around the route of a Bath Treasure Hunt. They had a very pleasant day in lovely, but windy at times, weather, where they all learnt something new about Bath.
They followed this with a very nice lunch in the Crystal Palace pub garden.
Chelsea Flower Show | ![]() |
Wednesday walk at Uphill
10 May 2017
On a lazy hazy day of summer, or should we say late spring? Nine members of the Wednesday Walkers travelled to Uphill for a leisurely walk which took us up the hill to the ruined church and onto the beacon tower, where there are extensive views across the Axe Estuary, the Bristol Channel and the Somerset Levels, although this time Wales was lost in the haze. The hillside was covered with wildflowers including amongst many others green-winged orchids, cowslips and Tom Thumb (bird’s-foot trefoil or Lotus corniculatus) which triggered happy memories of childhood and discussions about wildflowers having lots of different local names! | ![]() |
We carried on down the other side of the hill skirting along the edge of the saltmarsh of the Axe estuary, stopping at one of the hides to look through to a pond and reed beds. We were all convinced there was a white plastic carrier bag stuck in the reeds on the other side of the pond until it raised its head and turned out to be an egret! We followed the course of the river to the boatyard and then back along the road where we returned to our cars for a quick boot/shoe change, then into The Dolphin for a well-earned drink and delicious lunch out in the garden.
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Walk from the Windmill
27 April 2017
Last Thursday 11 WI Wanderers had a good walk of just over 5 miles. They started at the Windmill, made their way through the houses to Down Road, then on to Weston Big Wood, through to Valley Road, across fields to Blackberry Lane and back to Valley Road, walking past the Ship, through to Hillside Road and down to the coastal path arriving, after about 2 and a half hours, back at the Windmill for an enjoyable and well-deserved lunch.
The Royal Mint and Cardiff Bay
6 April 2017
After a pleasant coach drive across the Second Severn crossing and further on past Cardiff the signs to Llantrisant began to appear.
“We are arriving at the Royal Mint” our friendly, informative coach driver told us. As we looked out of the coach windows, all we could see were what seemed to be grey looking office buildings surrounded by a wire fence with a topping of barbed wire. Not what was expected at all. But then further along the road something glinted in the sunshine and we passed the splendid entrance to the Visitors Centre. The outside walls were covered with coin coloured hexagon shapes which shone in the sun and inside the foyer was parked a “Penny Lane” mini and a Gromit both of which were covered in pennies.
We were divided into two groups for the tour of the Mint itself. After a welcome drink in the Café and a check by the security staff for any dangerous weapons that we might have forgotten to leave at home, we were ready for our “Royal Mint Experience”.
Our guide was young, enthusiastic, funny and very well informed. We learned how the different mixture of metals were combined for each type of coin, the sheets rolled out to different thicknesses and then stamped out into the various blank shapes ready for the edges to be milled and the coins to be struck.
Many of us were also surprised to learn that Our Royal Mint also produces coins in many shapes (including flower shapes) for so many other countries. Sometimes, the Royal Mint also export blanks to other parts of the world where the coins are then struck by the country.
Towards the end of the tour some of us took the opportunity to push a button and “strike” our own new 2017 pound coin which was then sealed in a commemorative folder.
A visit to the Museum followed where we could view many interesting items including an Alfred the Great Penny and marvel at the intricacy of a Henry VII gold sovereign. On show were also the 2012 Olympic and Para Olympic medals that had been made at the Mint. A book recording in beautiful handwriting the names of soldiers who had fought at the Battle of Waterloo was on display and each medal produced inscribed with the recipient’s name.
We were all then ready for a good lunch at Llantrisant Golf club just a short drive away and overlooking a beautiful but very hilly golf course.
The rest of the afternoon was spent enjoying the sunshine at Cardiff Bay, shopping, strolling along the Esplanade or visiting the Welsh Assembly or the Craft Gallery etc.
As the coach left in the bus lane at the end of a great day out we were very pleased to be able to pass the cars queuing on the very busy roads out of Cardiff
Walk around Ashton Court
16 March 2017
The WI Wanderers met up and did a circular walk around Ashton Court. Fortunately, the rain stayed away and FitBits and Walking Apps were compared at the end and we reckon we covered about 4.5miles. It was a delight to see signs of spring with the blossom emerging on numerous trees and the daffodils out in force. All sixteen of us lunched at The Failand Inn on the way home. A couple of new members joined us on this occasion and hopefully others will in the future as the WI walks are a great way of getting to know people.
22 February 2017
The 'B' team played their 3rd round match in the comfortable environs of 'The Grove' (Sports and Social Club) against Stanton Drew WI on Wednesday.
Despite the best efforts of our team for the night, Jean C, Jane M, Barbara R, Mave R, Kim W and Audrey A, we were beaten in a close, but very friendly match.
Our best wishes to the other Harbourside WI teams in the tournament.
WI Wanders walk at Weston-super-Mare
16 February 2017
11 WI Wanderers enjoyed a walk along the beach from Uphill to the Pier. The weather was fine and the tide was part way in so that was nice to see. The fish and chips went down well after the walk. | ![]() |
Bletchley Park
9 February 2017
This trip was very popular so unfortunately for some, places were limited. Those who did attend all enjoyed an excellent trip to Bletchley Park on Thursday organised by Gaie. It was fascinating to learn about the work done to crack the coded messages sent by the German military during WWII. A very eloquent man, whose dad was a despatch rider during the war at Bletchley Park, guided a group on tour around the buildings of the site and explained the work that had been carried out in each of the buildings. He was very entertaining and told lots of funny stories about certain characters that had been involved with the set up of Bletchley. | ![]() |
The more that was learnt from him the more amazing the whole story became and although Alan Turing has become synonymous with Bletchley there were several other individuals who carried out equally amazing work and it had in fact all began with 3 young Polish men prior to the war who had been working on breaking Enigma machine codes since 1932. | ![]() |
Such was the spirit of the people during the war that 2,000 employees came and went every day from the site and no-one ever questioned what was going on there. The guide told a lovely story of an elderly man and wife who came to visit the site recently and during a demonstration of The Bombe deciphering machine the lady interrupted and said we didn’t do it quite like that, the husband was amazed to learn that his wife had worked at Bletchley during the war as he had too. Their response to each other was that they had signed the Official Secrets Act and had promised never to discuss their work with anyone!! | ![]() |
There was a lot to see including the original Mansion House and the Codebreakers Huts, which were dressed as they would have been during WWII. Even though it was bitterly cold with a few snow flurries it was worth venturing out in to the grounds to see them. | ![]() |
Loyalty Meeting
26 January 2017
Since 2015 Harbourside WI has been offering all new members the opportunity to attend a Welcome Meeting. These events have been expertly organised and led by Sheila our past President and give the new members a chance to meet each other socially and get to know the committee better. They also give an introduction to the roles held by the various committee members and more information about the many activities and opportunities available to members of our WI. All members who joined since 2015 have now had the chance to attend one of these meetings and as we get new members joining we will be continuing with this initiative, this year’s influx will get the opportunity in the next few months. | |
There were a significant number of members who were with us prior to the start of this initiative and since we relocated our meetings from Waverley Court to the Somerset Hall in 2012. For these members, who by now probably know the committee and about all our activities, we held a different type of event, an Afternoon Tea. We hired the Folk Hall, the tables were dressed with cloths and small arrangements of spring flowers with plates of delicious and varied selection of cakes baked by members of the committee. | ![]() |
After a short welcome speech by our President Jennifer, our Loyal Members were able to enjoy a relaxed and sociable Afternoon Tea. Many also took the time to reminisce over the Archive Folder which Linda E has produced. | ![]() |
And then there were 5.......
24 January 2017
The Skittles 'B' Team had to play in round 2 of the Tournament unlike the other two teams who were both lucky enough to gain a bye.
Gathering a team was challenging and until our last meeting when players who had not yet had a game for another team stepped in and then we had 7 players available for Tuesday.
Returning home on Tuesday afternoon to news of family illness caused one player to withdraw meant we'd lost any reserve.
A 6pm phone call told of another fallen by the wayside to ill health - no chance to replace, the 5 player rule would have to 'play for us'.
A brief team talk raised our spirits as we huddled around a small electric heater in a large freezing skittle alley.
The ladies of Worle WI arrived and we commenced play - some only taking their coats of to bowl!!!
What a fantastic five we had - they'd scored enough to win before 'play for us' was added.
Very well done Team - maybe it'll be our turn for a bye in the next round?
Meanwhile - diaries out ☺
Charity Donation to the Jubilee Day Centre
4 January 2017
A cheque for £159 has been given to Portishead’s Jubilee Day Care Centre by Harbourside WI.
Funds were raised through sales of Christmas cards, decorations and gifts made by our crafters.
We received a thank you letter in which it says they are planning to take the folk on an outing followed by a pub lunch in March.
All three skittles teams now through to second round
28 November 2016
On Monday Harbourside WI’s 1st team played against Stockwood WI in the Avon Federation’s Skittles Tournament and won 208 to 189.
Congratulations to our three teams for getting through to the next round, we look forward to hearing how they all progress.
Second skittles team through to next round
24 November 2016
Harbourside 'B' Skittles team played and won their first match against Locking WI this evening at the Market Inn, Yatton.
The team members were Barbara R, Jean C, Audrey A, Brenda T, Anne J and Susie S. Some of the team got off to a shaky start as they hadn’t played since January, however their winning score was +16.
At the end of the match in congratulating us, the Locking WI captain Rae shared the information that they were last year's tournament winners!
Well done Team – we are so proud of you!
Team 3 through to next round of Skittles
14 November 2016
On Monday Harbourside Team 3 met Olveston and Tockington at the Kings Head in Pill for our first round of the Avon Federation’s Skittles Tournament 2016-2017. The skittle alley was very clean and spacious. The team from Olveston and Tockington were very friendly and it made for a very pleasant evening.
Our team consisted of Ina, Chris W, Jane V, Sandra D, Jean M and Doreen M and we had three members come to cheer us along.
We didn't start off too well but gradually improved and won. Final score - Harbourside Team 3 165, Olveston and Tockington 154.
Looking forward to the next round, fingers crossed but not when you're bowling!
WI Wanderers walk around Alveston
27 October 2016
10 walkers enjoyed the walk around the Alveston area, led by Barbara. The day started a bit grey and chilly, but by the time we had finished we had had some sun to warm us up. The walk was just under 5 miles starting and finishing at Alveston. We then went to the Swan at Tockington for an enjoyable lunch.
Walk around Backwell Farleigh
22 September 2016
The weather forecast had indicated it would be dry and sunny all day. When the group of 10 arrived at the start of the walk in Backwell Farleigh we were very apprehensive as there was an ominous black cloud hovering over the top of the hill on our route. We needn’t have worried as it moved away as we got closer and the weather turned out to be just right for walking.
Laura led us safely across the main road, past a pretty cottage, up through the village onto a long climb across fields. We stopped briefly at the top to catch our breath and then into woodland, emerging at the Jubilee Stone, which had been erected by the local villagers to commemorate Queen Victoria’s Jubilee. It was now almost completely covered with the records of the celebrations of successive monarchs, the largest number of which are attributed to our current Queen! Here we were treated to spectacular views across the valley to the Tickenham Ridge, over Wraxall and Nailsea.
The woodland walk continued through the nature reserves, skirting the top of a now disused quarry to a view point where we were able to pick out Brean Down, Steep Holm, Flat Holm, and Sand Point, with Cardiff, Newport and the Welsh Hills across the channel. We made our way back down through the village on little footpaths between houses. Crossed the main road, through the Leisure Centre car park across the fields beyond and through a large area of very productive allotments, returning to our cars. We then all enjoyed a well-earned drink and delicious meal at The George. Well done again to Laura for leading us on such an interesting and varied walk.
Makers of Bristol, a visit to Arnos Vale Cemetery
16 September 2016
On a pleasant Friday afternoon 13 of our members made their way to Arnos Vale Cemetery for a guided tour of the “Makers of Bristol” interred in the 45 acres of grounds. This may have sounded rather ghoulish tour to be taking but turned out to be a very interesting, informative and often amusing experience.
Our tour guide Mr Bambury informed us Arnos Vale (more correctly should be known as Arno’s Vale as it referred to a Mr Arno who had a shop opposite the site when it was being developed) opened for business as a garden cemetery in 1839 in what was then the outlying and picturesque village of Brislington, it now has many thousands of occupants. In the late 1980’s, the then almost derelict site was saved from destruction and housing development thanks to the efforts of local people, who with the support of Bristolians from all over the World and Bristol City Council, campaigned for its rescue. A lot of work has taken place since then to remove a lot of brambles and other undergrowth by the Friends of Arnos Vale. Although a significant part of the site is still covered in the self-seeded, mainly ash and sycamore, trees forming a cool woodland. This has become a popular place for dog walkers, families and also school groups. Surprisingly to us, the upper part of the site has become a wedding venue!
As mentioned Arnos Vale was opened as a Garden Cemetery, so when the earliest residents were laid to rest, the first being Mary Breillat, their elaborate memorials were placed in eye-catching positions on the hillside overlooking stunning views across the City. Now many are hidden from view by the self-seeded trees which have encroached over the last forty or so years.
During out tour we were shown the resting places of many well-known and not so well-known people who had had a major influence in the making and prosperity of Bristol, and in providing improvements to modern day living. Amongst the many others mentioned, this included such well known families as those of the paper bag manufacturers, Robinson; the tobacco manufacturers and philanthropists William Day, his brother Henry Overton Wills II and nephew Henry Overton Wills III; George Muller, the founder of the orphanage which bore his name; and although not really considered as a Maker of Bristol we couldn’t pass without comment the elaborate edifice to Raja Rammohun Roy Banadoor, who is known around the world as the “father of modern India” who died whilst visiting Bristol. The perhaps less well-known included John Pratt, Superintendent of Sunday Schools; Frederick Ashmead, Civil Engineer/Surveyor; John Breillat, Gas Light Entrepreneur; William Brock a Builder and William Herepath an Analytical Chemist who gave evidence at the trial of a woman named Burdock which proved she had poisoned her lodger Mrs Clara Ann Smith with arsenic.
There are both an Anglican and a Non-conformist chapels and areas of consecrated and unconsecrated ground on the site (the Non-conformist Chapel is now the Spielman Education Centre).
We were amazed and occasionally amused at the explanations given regarding the variation in size and design of the various memorials, the symbolism of the carvings and of the background information on the life and works of the many people mentioned, together with how their lives have had a bearing on both places in Bristol and the lives of those in the modern world.
Certainly a tour well worth taking and leaving us with the desire to return to learn more.
Mixed fortunes for our walkers!
On Thursday 24 August the WI Wanderers abandoned their plans to go to Middle Hope due to the bad weather forecast. Instead they had a good walk around the Nature Reserve and The Marina. Even so they were beaten by the rain and had to drive rather than walk to The Royal, where they enjoyed a good lunch.
The Wednesday Walkers plans for their walk on 7 September from the carpark on Sheepway to The Melbourne fell apart when they heard The Melbourne had closed! Enquiries were made at The Star, only to find out it was under new management and wasn’t at the time able serve to food, so they ended up enjoying a walk from the Lock Gates to The Priory.
Portishead Carnival
18 June 2016
Carnival Day dawned and around twenty excited members of Harbourside WI gathered in the Lake Grounds in their disguise, ready to take part as a walking group in Portishead Carnival!
After several weeks of clandestine meetings, our chosen theme of "Call the Midwife" was revealed. Our costumes and props for our various roles of nun, midwife, ladies of the 1950's (pregnant or not), doctor and his wife and child, handyman, not forgetting the cutest "live" infant (darling little Ethan in his vintage pram!) were either made, borrowed, adapted or purchased, and what a wonderful display we made.
Even if the sun failed to appear, our smiling faces reflected the fun we all had and the money we raised for charity. This was a community event and our enthusiasm made up for our disappointment at not winning a trophy, but we were awarded third place in two categories and taking part was the most important element of the carnival. What's more, it showed what a friendly crowd we all are at Harbourside WI. Roll on next year!
Crochet World Record Attempt
Spring 2016
In February our Secretary received a request from the AFWI, which had come via Farrington Gurney WI, where WI members in Avon were being asked to take part or contribute to “The Daisy Bear Crochet Guinness World Records” at the Forum in Bath on Saturday 4th June 2016, in memory of Emma Welch supporting Brain Tumour research.
At the time we were busy making Easter Chicks and Bunnies for our fund raising table, however, once Easter was over our members set to on the challenge of making daisies. Linda E even led a craft group training evening for those who couldn’t crochet. We are pleased to say some of our members went away from this evening pleased with having learnt a new skill.
Our members between them managed to assemble 293 daisies which were forwarded to the organisers.
On the day we understand the display of daises looked spectacular and a record breaking 31,082 were counted on the stage (previous record stood at 13,000). Sadly they didn’t quite make the numbers (previously 485) for the Guinness World Record for the largest number of people but it was confirmed that 428 people is the most people ever to crochet at the same time in The Forum.
So thank you to our members for supporting this effort which will hopefully raise vital funds for Brain Tumour Research over the coming months.
Visit to the Hay-on Wye Literary Festival
31 May 2016
A wonderful day was arranged by Olga to the Hay Literary Festival and 32 members of our book groups, including friends and family, took the opportunity to go along for the first time and experience the day.
There were many different lectures throughout the day on a variety of subjects including gardening, literature, historic themes (the Tudors) and contemporary issues (a Question Time style debate involving Vince Cable and Liam Fox MP). Some had pre-booked tickets for events, whereas others turned up on the day and took their pick. There was plenty to do and see - a really excellent bookshop and interesting stands.
A lovely walk (or quick shuttle bus service for those who had enough of walking!) took people into town. Hay on Way is on the river and is a delight with its streets filled with book and antique shops adding to the charm. One member even managed to pop into an interesting clothes shop and came away with a package!
The weather was sunny and warm so those people who enjoyed an outdoor lunch in the castle grounds really thought summer had at last arrived!
An unexpected highlight of the day, for those who were able to get in, was being in the audience of a live broadcast of the World at One BBC Radio 4 LIVE. Martha Kearney, the presenter was excellent. Warm, friendly and totally professional. There was also an interesting debate on the pros and cons of being in Europe with Vince Cable and Roland Rudd being in the Remain campaign and Liam Fox MP and Roger Bootle (economist) in the Leave campaign. It was a privilege to be there.
We arrived back in Posset at 7 p.m. All agreed that it had been a fabulous day out.
Thank you once again Olga. You have whetted our appetite to go back again and stay longer.
Cheese Making
25 April 2016
The Cooking for Fun group had a great visit to Park Farm near Kelston. We saw three different cheeses being made, all by hand and were able to taste them all. We were also shown around the farm and ended up with a cheese lunch.
Celebrating the Queen's 90th Birthday
21 April 2016
Harbourside Reading Group celebrated the Queen's 90th birthday with mini Victoria sponges, a glass of bubbly and bunting, thanks to Sheila. | ![]() |
Unfortunately we have been beaten at skittles!
29 February 2016
The skittles A team played Banwell at the Triangle Club on Monday evening. Unfortunately we got off to a poor start trailing by 13 pins after the first hand. We did pick up a little over the next couple of hands and were within 2 pins but an unusual flurry of ducks left us trailing again. We finished only 10 pins down but it actually felt a lot more than that. They were a nice friendly group of ladies from Banwell and we wished them well with the rest of the competition.
We have all vowed to come back and try again next season.
Meet the author - an evening with Alison Rattle
29 February 2016
On Monday, a large group of WI book enthusiasts from Harbourside WI gathered in St Joseph's Church hall for an informative evening with the author Alison Rattle. Our WI boasts not just one, but six book groups, and each group had been asked to supply a print out of books they had recently enjoyed discussing in their own groups. Six tables of 7 readers displayed these lists and there was much discussion of favourite books before and after the talk, and a lot of swapping of ideas.
Our guest speaker was Alison Rattle, an author from Axbridge in Somerset, who has written both fiction and non-fiction. The novel which formed the basis of her talk and which members had been encouraged to read was "The Quietness", about baby farming in Victorian times, a subject which we found to be both disturbing and yet fascinating.
One of her works entitled "Amelia Dyer: Angel maker" tells the true story of a Bristol born woman who made her living out of baby farming, escaping justice on many occasions, and going on to harm hundreds of innocent babies by exploiting their vulnerable mothers and causing unbelievable suffering. She, along with other women of her times, ended up facing the law and was hanged for her crimes. Alison gave us an insight into the subject matter, explaining that many women were hanged as punishment for the crime of baby farming.
Alison briefly outlined how she became a writer, adding that the actual writing process could be fraught with angst and frustration and that she only really felt satisfied when the whole project was finished. The pressure to write to a deadline was both restricting and motivating.
After a question and answer session and a raffle, it was time for refreshments and more book talk. Committee members had cooked a delicious array of cakes to enjoy with our tea and coffee in honour of our guest author who used to run a tea shop in Wells.
A very original and successful evening.
WI Wanders Walk
25 February 2016
We had a good walk on Thursday, with glorious weather which gave us very clear views across to Dundry and other parts of Bristol. The walk was about 4 1/2 miles and started at the Car Park at Ashton Court Mansion. We walked up through the park to cross the A369 then on to the Suspension Bridge. From there we made our way to the Downs along Ladies Mile. We returned by much the same route, stopping in Clifton for a coffee, whilst admiring the Easter eggs in the Cafe.
Visit to Bristol Blue Glass
24 February 2016
On Wednesday around 20 members of Harbourside WI made their way by car sharing to the studio and showroom of Bristol Blue Glass in Brislington on a cold February afternoon. We needn't have worried about the cold weather because the temperature inside the shop was positively tropical, and once inside the glass blowing studio beyond the shop, we had to peel off layers of winter clothes as we sat down in front of the kilns/ furnaces.
As one senior member of the glass blowing team gave us a very informative talk, two other glass blowers - one a newish apprentice and the other one with three years' experience - demonstrated their skills. We were given a short history of glass making, and then informed about how glass itself is produced and how the colours are added, the famous blue glass as a result of added cobalt.
We were surprised at the apparent lack of health and safety measures, but soon learned that too much protective clothing would hamper their work. The guys soon learned how to avoid getting burned! We marvelled at how they transformed a glowing blob of molten glass on the end of a metal tube into vessels and baubles - with a deft twist and turn, we saw the creation of a jug, complete with a fancy handle, a plate, and, most difficult of all, a wine glass. We also saw how over - blowing down the tube could result in a burst bubble effect. Shattered pieces of wafer thin glass, more like a crispy cellophane sheet, were passed around the group to our utter amazement.
The afternoon ended with tea and cakes in the showroom, and various purchases of glass trinkets and jewellery. A great afternoon out.
Skittles 'A' Team through to next round
Wednesday 3 February 2016
Our Skittles 'A' Team played Yatton WI at the Rising Sun in Backwell. Our team consisted of MIrella W, Liz M, Rose S, Linda H, Lynne L and Janice W. We won the match by 46 pins and now are playing on Monday 29 February against Banwell WI at Clevedon Triangle Club, so here's hoping!
Skittles team knocked out of tournament
19 January 2016
Our Skittles 'B' team played their 2nd match against Kenn WI on Tuesday evening and despite a sterling effort when our overall score was 30 more than in the first round, we lost.
Out but not down, the team is looking forward to next year.
Congratulations to Harbourside WI Skittles 'B' Team
3 December 2015
Our first match saw us drawn against Stockwood WI.
Although 10 members showed interest in playing for the 'B' team, once the time and venue were arranged, only 6 members could actually make the date.
No worries, we only needed 6, however most of us had little or no recent skittles experience but were keen to play. There was a little trepidation when on Thursday, we met the Stockwood WI team plus supporters at the Pill Memorial Club but we just played to the best of our abilities and enthusiasm- which gave us the winning score of 155 to their 134.
Well done to Susie, Anne J, Barbara R, Brenda, Mave and Sheila L on their victory. Susie is proud of her team and is looking forward to leading them into the next round in January.
Harbourside Wanderers' walk round Clevedon
26 November 2015
We had a good walk, attended by 15 members, on Thursday. The weather was a bit drizzly at first but cleared and was quite pleasant, in fact it became quite warm. We started the walk at Ladye Bay and walked from there to the upper parts of Clevedon with fantastic views. We returned to Ladye Bay via St.Andrews churchyard, part of poet`s walk and the marine lake. The photo shows us on Poets Walk in front of the newly restored Marine Lake with Clevedon Pier in the background.
Centenary Picnic and Tree Planting
19 September 2015
Harbourside WI members and families joined forces with those of Portishead WI to celebrate the Centenary of the WI on Saturday in Jubilee Park. Some members dressed in the style of 1915 and paraded in their finery along the marina to Jubilee Park. Here we all joined together for the planting of a tulip tree, siting of the plaque and followed by a rousing rendition of 'Jerusalem'. Then it was time to judge the entries in the competition for the best decorated hat worn on the day. La Marina donated a voucher towards a meal in their restaurant and the manager came along as judge to choose the winner ~ Jenny A, from Portishead WI. It was then down to the serious part of the celebrations – the cake! Several of our ladies had baked cakes to a specific WI recipe and very nice it was too! Then the games were ready for children young and old and the picnics were spread on blankets on the ground. Altogether a very successful afternoon.
Visit to Jekka's Herbetum, Alveston
12 August 2015
Once again, the sun was shining on Harbourside WI for our visit to Jekka's Herbetum. We were greeted by Jekka, known to many from her books on herbs, television appearances, the RHS and appearances at Chelsea. The Herb farm has is quite extensive with huge outdoor area and poly-tunnels filled with plants. After a group photo Jekka, aided by her daughter, proceeded to take us at a gentle pace around her raised herb beds, which have only been in existence for two years, talking about each herb in turn – its Family group, its Latin name, its cultivation and culinary or medicinal uses. We were given tasters of many of the herbs – Fennel, Shiso (tastes of Cumin), many different Mints, Lemon Verbena, etc some we were familiar with, some we had never heard of.
Along the way we were given many hints and wrinkles – Horticultural Epsom's Salts for yellowing shrubs and Herbs to pick them up, Pennyroyal for bites and stings. And Old Wives Tales – and we realise that our grandmother's really did know a thing or two about using herbs, so maybe not Old Wives Tales at all. One that will stick in my mind is Rosemary for Remembrance – not to remember loved ones as many of us had thought, but to aid memory – just a small sprig infused in boiled water will help us to remember everything that Jekka told us!
At the end of our tour we went into the tea room and shop where we had refreshments – delicious home made cake and herbal or ordinary tea and coffee. After which we were free to shop for books, plants and seeds - which many of us did. A very pleasant afternoon.
Portishead Flower Show
25 – 26 July 2015
Congratulations, yet again go to Linda E's team for scooping First Prize in the "Getting Together" Class, at this year's Portishead Flower Show and Country Fair, with their entry "Remembrance". | ![]() |
They were up against some tough opposition. This year there were 6 teams entered into the show, although only 5 staged their entries. Out of a possible 60 points, first place achieved 50 points with our other team achieving joint 4th place with 41 points.
Busy Monday Evening Meeting
20 July 2015
We had an unusually busy Monday evening WI meeting in July.
The evening started with Patsy congratulating the Harbourside WI's Skittles team for winning the finals of the Avon Federation's Skittles Tournament. The team came to the front to show off their Trophy.
Elaine, Team Captain, gave a brief recount of the match which had gone down to a nail biting last player and the last point.
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This was followed by Patsy presenting a cheque for £570.55 to Sandy Tebbutt and Ian Murphy from Portishead in Bloom. This amount had been raised from various fund raising activities during the first six months of this year. | ||
Sandy then gave us a short interesting insight into the work of Portishead in Bloom, particularly thanking our members who cared for the three beds at the Lake Grounds, and also thanked the ladies who had made the flags currently flying in the town and for all the bunting that they had made and had already been made good use of. She asked for any member who would like to open their garden for their Open Gardens weekend to get in touch as more were always welcomed. | ![]() | |
![]() | After the usual round of business items, Gaie introduced our speaker for the evening, Jenny King, who gave us a very interesting talk about her trips to Laos and surrounding countries, illustrated with some lovely photos. Particular interest was when Jenny dressed up one of our members with the Laos traditional costume. |
Trip to Honington Hall
23 June 2015
On a fine summer's day, a group of 25 members of Harbourside WI boarded a small coach heading for our first stop at Moreton-in-Marsh, where we had three hours in which to have coffee, browse the big weekly street market and have lunch.
Where to start? Most of us began with a restorative cup of coffee, as we decided how best to maximise our time, some even patronising the local WI's fund raising coffee morning. There were colourful market stalls selling all manner of items we simply had to buy - ladies opted for sunhats, raincoats (now that reflected what a changeable summer we have had to date!), garlic, cheese, plants, clothes for our grandchildren - and at one point, on hearing steel bands as we passed a stall selling CD's, we could be forgiven for thinking we were in the Caribbean, especially as the sun came out as we shopped. Lunch over, we set off for our next stop at Honington Hall, near Shipston on Stour.
Judging by the bulging shopping bags when we got back on the coach, it seemed that everyone had enjoyed the retail therapy. A short drive followed, and we entered the gates of Honington Hall, where, to Jennifer's relief, a smiling lady guide was there to greet us. She was joined by the future heir of the property, Benji Wiggins, who lives there with his elderly step mother, following the death of his father.
Our tour began in the amazing church, alongside the main house. We listened to Benji's account of the history of the family, as we marvelled at the intricate plaster work and stained glass windows, high ceilings and especially at the box pews for children at the rear of the church with their tiny wooden pews. The rest of the guided tour, around the ground floor of the house, revealed surprises at every turn, and we were told of the extensive renovation which has recently taken place following the discovery of dry rot. The pièce de résistance had to be the octagonal reception room, with its grandiose plasterwork. The gardens leading to the River Stour were natural and off-set the exterior of the house.
No trip to the Cotswolds would be complete without a British cup of tea and slice of cake, or cream tea if you were feeling indulgent, and our welcome stop in Stow on the Wold refreshed us all.
None of this would have been possible without the excellent planning by Jennifer to whom we are most grateful. It was a most enjoyable day out, with something for everyone - culture, exercise, retail therapy, conversation, and refreshment. A huge thank you, Jennifer!
Skittles Final
22 June 2015
Well, we'd done it. We had made it all the way to the final of the skittles tournament. We'd had some very close matches along the way, and Monday's match was no different. It was to be played at Bitton Sports and Social Club along with the final of the darts.
The alley was something else - after playing all our previous games on proper pub alleys, this one was a portable wooden one (as may be used at travelling fairs etc). It was very short, only had one line for your foot to stay behind meaning it didn't matter where the ball was grounded (apologies to all those non-skittlers who have no idea what I am talking about), the balls were very small and the alley made a tremendous noise. Having said that, it was the same for our opponents - Olveston & Tockington WI.
The match began with Olveston being 5 up after the first hand. We were all square after hand 2, and then we went 3 up after hand 3. Hand 4 saw Olveston 1 up and then hand 5 ended with us 1 up. Talk about up and down! And so to the last hand. We started with better scoring than Olveston but they were consistent and with our last player to go we needed her to knock down 4 pins. Easy you might think (we didn't tell her she needed 4). Her first ball missed, she got 3 with her second ball and we all held our breath. Her third ball knocked down just the 1 but that was enough for us to win the game. We were all shaking, it was so tense.
Anyway we were very proud to win the trophy for Harbourside WI.
Bring on the next tournament!
Handover of the Lifebelt to the Portishead RLNI
16 June 2015
Over the last year or so, our evening craft group members have been beavering away in the planning and construction of a suitable wall-hanging to mark the opening of Portishead's new Lifeboat Station.
The final design took the form of a lifebelt or "perry buoy", framing four panels depicting the quayside sculpture entitled "Ship to Shore"; the Severn Bridge; three yachts with their reflections and one of Battery Point. Also included were the symbol of the Portishead and Bristol Lifeboat Trust; the flag of the RNLI and the motto "Save and Protect".
Thanks go to the Royal Inn for providing and cutting the wood which forms the frame of this venture, for providing the storage of the materials during the construction and allowing us the use of their rooms for the many evenings we spent on this project.
On the 16 of June, Francis, Linda E, Barbara R, Muriel, Tina, Sara, (sadly Barbara W was away), Sandra D, Jean C, Linda G and Wendy assembled at the Royal Inn before processing behind Jimmy, who was carrying the veiled lifebelt, down the steps to the Lifeboat Station on Eastcliff.
On arrival we were shown upstairs into the John Gittings Room where we were able to admire this new facility, with lovely views across the estuary and a bird's eye view of the lifeboat in the boathouse below. A great improvement of the old precast concrete garage at Sugarloaf Bay!
Sandra gave a brief speech on our behalf, before unveiling the lifebelt which is given in recognition of all the good work the lifeboat crew do in keeping the estuary safe. Mike Roberts, the Chairman of the Lifeboat Management Group, thanked us for our efforts and the support the town has shown to the lifeboat crew and to the building of this fantastic new facility.
The handover ceremony completed, the lifeboat crew then kindly brought the lifeboat out of its boathouse onto the top of the slipway so we could get photos of the ladies who had made this wall-hanging together with Mike Roberts.
We were very pleased to finally be able to hand over the completed article to the Lifeboat Crew, before their Official Opening ceremony on 20 June.
Walk in Bristol
28 May 2015
After meeting at Homebase and travelling by car to Burwalls, 16 members of the Harbourside Wanderers had a good walk in Bristol on Thursday.
It was a lovely day and after walking along the harbour we had time for coffee before getting on the ferry to the Nova Scotia. We all managed the climb up to Avon Gorge Hotel. Then back to our cars via the Clifton Suspension Bridge. The walk was followed by lunch at the Rudgleigh.
Marathon Bunting Making evening
27 May 2015
Following a request received from a new member at the recent Welcome Evening, the Craft Group took up the challenge of making lengths of Bunting.
Eight of us met at the Royal Inn on our usual 4th Wednesday evening craft meeting and formed quite a production line. Some of us cutting the material which had been kindly donated by members, others stacking the cut triangles in a suitable order and Barbara W and Linda E on their sewing machines attaching the triangles to the lengths of tape.
By the end of the evening we had produced 6 lengths of 5 metre bunting and had enough cut material to make more.
The 6 finished articles have been passed to Portishead in Bloom which we understand will be used to advertise at the various gardens taking part in the Portishead Open Gardens Weekend on the 6th and 7th of June and at various events thereafter.
A member of Portishead in Bloom has contacted us to say how pleased they were and grateful for all our help.
Visit to Mary's Smallholding
21 May 2015
31 of us travelled by car to Mary A's smallholding in Kenn, we all found our way to this secluded spot thanks to Mary's excellent directions.
On arrival we were met by Mary's husband Paul who arranged the parking in their field which contained a local farmer's sheep and lambs. We then made our way to their garden, meeting one of their 8 cats and the dog on the way.
It was a glorious sunny afternoon. The garden had been laid out with a variety of chairs and tables and lots of bunting around the fence. There was a table of produce for us to choose from ~ hen, turkey and duck eggs and homemade jams and chutneys.
Patsy and Sheila took over the tea urn duties and we helped ourselves to the delicious homemade scones, jam, cream and cakes, which had been provided by some of our members.
Suitably refreshed we were then shown in groups around the smallholding where we met the 7 week old goslings, quail, rescue battery hens, three cockerels and the turkeys, the females were wearing coats to protect them from the advances of the male who had sharp claws! We also saw Mary's retreat, a shed a little way away from the house where she can sit and read or do craft projects.
The sale of produce and the raffle for two hampers and a bottle of Baileys raised £160. This sum will be split between Kenn WI's charity, Clevedon Hospital (Mary is a dual member) and Harbourside WI's charity, Portishead in Bloom, each receiving £80.
Our thanks go to Mary and Paul for allowing us to visit and making us so welcome. Thanks also go to Mary and Jennifer for the scones and some of the cakes; Barbara W for a cake and to Sandra D who made the fruit cake. Sandra's cake had been made to the WI's Centenary Fruit Cake recipe, which we will be making for our Centenary picnic celebrations in September.
The efforts of all those involved in making this such a successful afternoon were much appreciated by all those who attended.
Skittles Team through to Finals
8 May 2015
Harbourside skittles team played their semi-final match against Stanton Drew on Friday night at the Rising Sun, Backwell. Harbourside started really well, being 15 pins up in the first hand. Our good scoring continued and by the end of the fourth hand we were 64 pins up and 72 pins up at the end of the fifth hand. There was plenty of good humoured banter, led by Janice, and the ladies from Stanton Drew were able to make good fun of the fact that some of their scores were pretty low. They obviously had one of their bad nights as they had knocked out the title holders in the first round. Our last hand was not the best, I think everyone relaxed, but we came out winners of the match 229 to 170. It was good that apart from the six players we also had two other 'squad' members to cheer us on.
The final is to be played on Monday 22 June, at Bitton Social Club, but as yet we don't know who our opponents will be.
Belmont Arts & Crafts Show
25 April 2015
On Saturday, the Belmont Group of WI's staged their Arts and Crafts Show at the Cross Tree Centre in Wraxall.
There were 39 exhibits entered by the ladies of Southern Clevedon, Wraxall and Harbourside WI's at this charming and select event.
The three judges spent between 2 and 3 hours in their deliberations before we found they had given 17 Gold Awards; 13 Silver; 7 Bronze and 2 Red overall. There were no Blue or Green results awarded at this show.
The Harbourside ladies between them achieving: 6 Gold; 7 Silver; 4 Bronze and One Red awards.
Well done to all who entered which made for an interesting show with a wide range of skills of very high standard on display.
Congratulations particularly go to our Harbourside Gold Award winners: Barbara W; Jennifer; Linda E (2 awards); Sara and Tina. Their items will be displayed at the M Shed in September where the Avon Federation of WI's will be showcasing the best of Avon WI's Arts and Crafts as part of their 40th Anniversary celebrations.
Sadly we did not get many visitors to this show, so we do hope to get more support in September. If this show was anything to go by the Show on the 19th and 20th September in the M Shed will really be something to go and see.
BBC Tour
21 April 2015 
On Tuesday, two groups of ladies were taken on a tour around the BBC studios in Whiteladies Road. On arrival after all being made very welcome the tour began, visiting the studios where RADIO BRISTOL and the POINTS WEST programmes went out including the area on the roof top where the weather report sometimes comes from. One of the pigeons who has decided that this area is his domain (he lives under the shed housing the cameras) decided to swoop over our heads to let us know we were intruding.
The highlight of the tour had to be when we had the opportunity to act out our version of The Archers and the Points West news and weather, it was so entertaining with plenty of hilarious moments that will be remembered by all.
Everyone enjoyed their visit as it really did give us an insight into what went on behind the scenes at the BBC it was so much more than we ever imagined.
A big thank you to Sheila for making the arrangements.
Success in Quarter Finals
15 April 2015
The skittles team played our fourth round match against Tickenham on Wednesday evening at The Grove Sports Centre Nailsea. It was a different surface alley than those we have played previously and the opposition began with high scores. We managed to keep our noses in front with a brilliant 16 from 3 balls by Liz M on the second hand. We had a little dip on the third hand but pulled away again on the remaining hands. It was a close game played in good spirit, the ladies from Tickenham were really friendly. The final score was Harbourside 228, Tickenham 216. A mention must go to Liz who scored a brilliant 50 total. We are now into the semi-final.
Skittles Team through to Quarter Finals
17 March 2015
Harbourside WI played Kenn WI for a skittles match. Both teams had a very enjoyable evening, resulting in a win for Harbourside. Harbourside is now through to the quarter finals against Tickenham WI to be played by the end of April. Good luck to everyone.
Lunch at Weston College
4 March 2015
We had a very enjoyable time, everyone arrived about 12.45 and went to the bar before being shown to our table by a very nice young lady who we found out later wants to go into hotel catering when she finishes her course, very hard work but good luck to her. We were served our starters straight away as we had pre ordered our meals.
The food was excellent and the boys and girls very friendly and liked to chat to their customers, the Nicoise Salad was lovely and a big helping, as was the main course of fish on a bed of Mashed potatoes, the sweet was Eton Mess. A very nice three course meal for £9, you could not get a meal like that anywhere for that price and that included teas or coffee at the end, we would recommend this place to anyone.
Our W.I. group will be going back there for an evening meal. The boys and girls were a credit to their tutors we could not fault a thing.
Skittles success in second round
23 February 2015
Harbourside skittles team played their second round match against Barrow Gurney at the Rising Sun in Backwell on Monday evening.
Barrow Gurney got off to the better start but Harbourside quickly pulled pins back and went 3 up. From then on it was a very close game, with some skittlers having really good scores and others not! By the end of the 5th hand Harbourside were 15 pins up, however Barrow Gurney came back well in the last hand cutting the deficit to 8 pins, meaning Harbourside came out the winners 188 - 180. There was a lively atmosphere and good conversation between the teams. At the end of the match Barrow invited us to have a friendly game with them in the not too distant future.
We look forward to hearing who our opponents are in the third round.
Cheque Presentation to CHSW
19 January 2015
Before the main speaker at our January meeting, we were pleased to hear from Kylie, the Community Fund Raiser for North Somerset, about the work of Children's' Hospice South West and of a particular case history of the experiences of one terminally ill child and the support they had given to the child's family.
Patsy our President, then presented her with a cheque to Children's Hospice South West in the sum of £887.40. This money had been collected from raffles, sale of goods and fund raising events during the last six months as our second charity of 2014.
Kylie thanked us for our efforts in raising this sum which will go towards the ongoing work of the charity. She also highlighted their monthly open days where members of the public are welcome to visit to see more of their work and of some of their future fundraising events, such as their "Rainbow Run".
Skittles Team Success in First Round
Our first match was played against Southern Clevedon at the Triangle Club on 5th January. Unfortunately Clevedon only had 5 players, but the rules state that their lowest score in each hand is added to make up the 6th player. It was a competitive game played in a friendly manner with good banter between the teams! The final score was Harbourside 199 - Southern Clevedon 142. Harbourside posted some good scores 36,36,35,35,31 and 26. Southern Clevedon's individual scores were 33,29,24,24,20,12.
We have been drawn against Barrow Gurney in the next round which is to be played by 28th February.
Supper Club meeting at Aqua, Portishead
7 January 2015
On a wet and very blustery evening, 15 members braved the weather for an evening out with lots of lively chatter and an enjoyable meal at Aqua.
Behind the Scenes Tour at Sainsbury's
6 January 2015
Our first outing of 2015 was an evening's visit to the new Sainsbury's Store in Portishead.
55 of our ladies congregated in their café area where we were greeted with a glass of non-alcoholic drink and nibbles while we waited for everyone to arrive.
The Assistant Store Manager, Emma, welcomed us to their first event of this type and apologised in advance that the store was recovering from their first year's Christmas trading and all was not as pristine as perhaps it could be and staff were all just as exhausted! From what we were to see on our trip round this apology was probably not necessary.
Emma handed us over to Aimee, their Training Officer. After an introduction which included information on Sainsbury's aims and objectives, sustainability plan, various statistics and their work with the local community, we were shown a DVD. This told of the history of the store from its start as a single store in Drury Lane in the early 1900's, through the changes to self-service supermarkets, to the many supermarkets around the country and now including on-line purchasing.
Gradually groups of 10 made their way on guided tours around the store and behind the scenes. Here were given an insight into their communications network both by notices, photos and the "huddle area" where staff meet at specified times during the day. We were shown the staff facilities and of course the various storage and handling areas, these were surprisingly small in comparison with the size of the shop floor space. It was interesting to note their bakery department cooks all the breads and cakes from scratch using only British flour. This is in contrast to most rival stores which receive their items pre-prepared and just put them in the oven to cook.
After this interesting and informative tour we returned to the café where we were treated to tea/coffee with cookies and slices of pizza. Barbara R gave our vote of thanks and we were invited to take one of their hessian bags as a souvenir of our visit.
Having been guinea pigs at their first behind the scenes tour we felt it had been very well organised and we appreciated the hospitality and the free gift.
Click on the links below to see accounts of just some of the activities we got up to in 2014: