Portishead Carnival

14 June 2014

For the second time, Harbourside WI entered a walking group in the Portishead Carnival, our theme this year being 'Calendar Girls'.

At our May meeting members had spent the evening making sunflowers out of foam, felt and plastic sheeting. So even if members didn't participate in the procession they were involved with the preparation of our entry.
 Calendar Girls
Good crowds turned out on the day to watch the procession wend its way from the Lake Grounds through the High Street to the Flower Show Field. We were dressed in white tee shirts, dark trousers, with white hats decorated with sunflowers and tabards displaying different dates. Various types of buns had been crafted for the event and worn in imaginative ways. Different types of sunflowers were also carried. We were very glad of the protection our hats provided on this glorious sunny day, although the lady carrying the cakes which were distributed to the crowd regretted using a metal tray.
Judging by the applause and comments we received as we passed, our efforts were much appreciated by the crowds. This was also reflected by the amount of small change donated in the 4 collecting buckets the group carried. 

Money collected by the participants in the procession will, after expenses, be distributed in the form of grants to various local charities and organisations by the Carnival Committee.