Trips and Events

Your printed Programme sheet will give you the dates of our monthly meetings. Details of the various Group Activities can be seen on the Activities page.

Throughout the year there is also the opportunity to join other members on a trip/visit to places of interest or take part in an activity not normally undertaken by any of the group activities.

Notifications of future trips/events will be found in the monthly Newsletter and/or on sign-up sheets at our monthly Monday evening WI meetings.

Full details of times, meeting place, travel arrangements etc. will be found on the sign-up sheets; from emails received or from the event organiser/leader.

Please note  there may be a requirement to pay a deposit to secure your place.

Occasionally arrangements are changed at very short notice. If in doubt please check with the event organiser/leader before travelling.

When travelling away from Portishead, be it by car or coach, please take a note of the leader's mobile number and let her have your mobile number.  Also, you are advised to carry your emergency contact details.

Besides trips and activities offered by Harbourside WI, members are also entitled to attend trips/activities offered by the Avon Federation of WI's (AFWI), see the coloured sign-up sheets at our monthly Monday evening WI meetings or online on the  Avon Federation's "What's On" web page for more information on their events.  AFWI offer events  which can be anywhere in the Avon  area; trips to other parts of the country and even  holidays to other parts of the world!

Members may also wish to attend events/activities offered by the Belmont Group of WI's.  The Belmont Group usually holds two social events each year.  Speak to our Belmont Group Representative (name on the back of your Programme card) and/or see the sign-up sheets.

The Women's Institute also offers its members courses at Denman College in Oxfordshire where members (non-members and even husbands are welcome) can learn new skills either on a day school or residential basis. Details of what is on offer can be found either online or in the brochure on the table at our monthly Monday evening WI meetings. Apply directly to Denman for a place on one of their courses.

There is no excuse for any of our members to complain of being bored!!!!