More about us

Hawkesbury and Horton WI is a great way to meet people whether you’re new to the area, or have lived here for years.  It’s an easy way to make new friendships with women you might not otherwise meet, to have fun, to pick up new skills and to learn about a huge range of topics.  We go on occasional trips, cinema visits and have a book group, walking group, quiz team and craft group.  We have a strong record of campaigning, especially on environmental issues. Indeed, the possibilities are limitless and only depend on our members’ current interests.  So, put away your preconceptions about the WI; it's not about jam making and you're not to young to join!

We welcome women of all ages, interests and backgrounds and most of our members live in Hawkesbury Upton, Horton or Hillesley. Visitors are always welcome so that they can come and see what we get up to, without obligation.  We meet on the first Tuesday of each month (except August) at 7.30pm in Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall, GL9 1AU, although in July we usually meet in Horton Village Hall instead and in June we have an outdoor meeting in a garden with food and games. There is plenty of parking available at both halls and we arrange lift sharing for meetings and visits.

Our meetings usually consist of a short business section which describes recent activities as well as forthcoming opportunities. This is followed by a workshop or speaker and then a social session with refreshments, lasting about 2 hours in total.  Recent sessions have included a Tai-chi workshop, a tea tasting, a talk & demonstration of quilts, and a debate about how to improve water quality, We also have monthly competitions for a "flower of the month" and something connected to the theme of the meeting, which some members like to take part in. Please see the "Our programme" page for further details of upcoming meetings.