Interest groups


Our WI enjoys participating in the Avon Federation Skittles tournament. This year we have a very keen team who hope to go far in the competition!


We have an enthusiastic darts team who play in the Federation competition every year. This year the team has several new members who are practising hard before the matches begin.


We have an active monthly walking group with a large number of members. We arrange a refreshment stop on each outing where we catch up on news over a nice cup of tea and cake.We are very lucky in having excellent footpaths leading out in every direction from our village.

Walkers in streamWalkers tea

Book group

We meet each month in a member's house and discuss a wide variety of books from classics to recent autobiographies.

Craft Group

We meet to work on different craft projects. Last year many of us crotchetted daisies for the Daisy Bear appeal to raise funds for brain tumour research. We joined the World record attempt in Bath trying to have the most people crotchetting at once. We helped break the UK record but not the World one. However the daisies we made  contributed to breaking the World record for the most items crotchetted.

Currently we are knitting Twiddlemuffs to give to people with dementia. We meet in members houses for a knit and chat, exchanging wool, buttons, ribbon etc as well as ideas to make the Twiddlemuffs interesting.

Lunch group

We meet for lunch in a nearby pub on a less regular basis to enjoy the local cuisine and socialise.