The first Peasedown St John WI meeting held on the 24th April 2015
More than fifty women attended a meeting at Bath Road Methodist Churchon Wednesday 25th March to discuss the options for setting up a WIfor Peasedown St John (PSJ). Althoughthe initial move to have a WI in Peasedown St John had been through Facebookthe majority of people attending had responded to a leaflet through their door.
Early in the year Nikki from PSJ had posed the question of a WI and following a very positive response opened a Facebook page "PSJ WI group". Pauline and Kathy also PSJ village residents,agreed to take the proposal forward, they contacted the WI office in Keynshamand were allocated a WI advisor for the newly established Peasedown StJohn's WI.
The first official meeting was held the following month on the 22nd of April 2015. This is an exciting newbeginning for the WI in Peasedown St John.