April 2023 Meeting - Bristol Avon Rivers Trust

Simon Hunter, Chief Executive of BART came to talk to us about the charity and it’s work with the rivers in the area.  They are a team of 12 with up to 25 projects on the go at the moment, all to do with education and advice about the river and the land alongside it to improve the environment for wildlife and people.

The Bristol Avon is degrading and it is causing concern. The river has become fragmented due to land changes and man-made structures across it such as weirs which can stop wildlife moving along its course; taking an increasing amount of water for population and industry growth causes a slowing of the flow and lowering of the water level; there is pollution from sewage and agriculture; invasive species such as the American mink; flooding and degraded riverbank habitats. At present only 12% of the river is achieving ‘good’ status. A European resolution hopes that by 2027 everywhere will be ‘good’ but this can only be achievable with a great deal of work.  Unfortunately, the Environmental Agency overseeing the rivers is so stretched they are unable to be effective and this is where BART can help. BART works with many partners to remove barriers; restore river habitats; create buffer strips; coppicing; tree planting; engagement with landowners, businesses, local authorities, water companies; establish farm cluster groups and education in schools.  Most importantly they monitor the rivers by sampling and with help from volunteers who keep an eye on the river and report any issues.

With this in mind, Julie has spoken to Simon to see if there is anything we can do to help and he has suggested we take part in the River Blitz water sample survey which takes place 9th-15th July this year and will carry on every year.  You can choose any spot/stream in the town.  We will get training for this. If you are interested there will be a sign-up sheet at the next meeting. They have an online newsletter if you are interested.
