May 2022 Meeting
At the May meeting Julie spoke about the resolution “Women and Girls with ASD and ADHD Under Identified, Under Diagnosed and Under Supported” which nationally had won the resolution vote in February 2022. There has been clinical research and diagnosis for boys that show behaviours such as being disruptive or attention seeking, but girls being for example quiet or insular are not being diagnosed and without the correct diagnosis this can lead to depression. The 2nd place resolution nationally was “Appropriate Sentencing for Non-Violent Women Offenders”. We held a vote to show if Marina WI voted for or against the resolution going forward as our 2022 resolution. We voted unanimously for the resolution and so this has been passed to Sylvia Ford (not Marina WI) who will represent us at the
NFWI annual meeting.
This was followed by a Beetle Drive. Jenny worked out the rules and explained the game to everyone. For our first try at this game it was a great success and a lot of fun – even though not everyone seemed to be playing the same! Thank you, Jenny.
Finally, we celebrated our 6th birthday with a lovely cake from ‘Heaven on the Hill’.