President's March 2023 Address

Lovely to see the bright yellow heads of daffodils that herald spring is coming. Hope you enjoyed the February presentation about these delightful little flowers.

This year we shall learn about women who are considered famous during their lifetime and beyond. In 1836 Mrs Isabella Beeton nee Mayson, was born in London. She was a journalist, editor and author who wrote her most famous book, Mrs Beetons Book of Household Management in 1861. It covered everything a Victorian Middle-class woman should know. Quite remarkable given she died aged 28. She was a wife and mother and her book covered the hiring and firing of staff, 2000 recipes, cooking, cleaning, child rearing, and home finances. It became a best seller and is still in print today.

Today we can buy books on any of the individual topics she covered by numerous authors. This topic links in with one of this year’s WI resolutions regarding fair wages for tea pickers and Fairtrade Fortnight (27th Feb to 12th March) a national campaign to raise awareness of trade Justice.
