President's September 2022 Address
In the Roman calendar this was the 7th month hence called Septem meaning seven. The Gregorian calendar was established by Pope Gregory in 1582. Britain didn’t adopt this calendar until 1753. We used the Julian calendar based on the solar year and the time it takes for the earth to orbit the sun. This wasn’t very accurate with too many days so we changed over BUT it meant we had to lose some days - 11 to be exact. The 3rd of September became the 14th. In Saxon times it was called Helegmonath- the month of festivals and also called Gerstmonath - the month when barley was harvested to make barley brew a favourite drink. No Prosecco in those days! It is the first month of autumn, heat of the day is weakening and nights are already drawing in so time to get the socks and thermal vests ready!